License Agreement (EULA) can be found in the Install Folder
XXX 2021
Microsoft Windows Install File
Windows, Linux or Mac
New Technology - Wonder, Orbital Generator
New Technology - Wonder, Orbital Laborabory
New Technology - Wonder, Whitehall
New Technology - Wonder, Wonder Station
New Technology - Nebula Graviton
New Technology - Special, Extended Fuel Tank
New Technology - Social Network reduces cost to assign a player spy
New Technology - Misc, Warp Dissipater
New Espionage Window - More functionality and replaces Espionage Report Window
New Feature - Range shown on galaxy map when selecting destination for a craft/fleet
New Feature - Project Build Lists that can be assigned to a planet
New Feature - Notices can appear on Galaxy Map when planet project finished
New Feature - Empire Window displays the chance to recruit a leader
New Feature - Balance Sheet Window shows tributary planets
Change - Race names changed (saved game not backward compatible)
Change - Load and Save Windows have improved file list
Change - Improved for small screens, Dialog Windows occupy full screen
Change - Wait 3 turns to view details after assigning spies to player
Change - Planet shields visible on the galaxy map
Change - Game rebalanced increase focus on exploration stage
Change - Solar System has distinct states unexplored, scanned, visited or surveiled
Change - Galaxy Map Generator is a plugable component (currently have random and network)
Change - Editor permits player to modify the Task of AI fleet / craft
Change - Planet Context shows Fighters and Ground Defences in Defence List
Change - Solar System Window has new influence tab showing influence sources
Change - Weapon has max-damage-on-planet attribute defines damage to destroy a missile base on a planet
Change - Weapon has max-damage-in-battle attribute defines damage to destroy a missile in the battle
Change - Battle Stations can have Anti Missile and troop transport weapons automatically
Change - Battle Window shows information when mouse hovers over a battle object
Change - Battle Window shows message detailing cause for Fear Animation and Surrender Animation (psi stats)
Change - No longer dependent on software library - Tiny LaF
11 January 2021
Microsoft Windows Install File
Windows, Linux or Mac
New Crisis - Succession Crisis (when planet heavily dominated)
New Feature - Continue Game Button restores the view from the last shutdown
New Feature - Customise AI Settings Window permits player to set Output Focus
New Feature - Can drag crafts / fleets in editor window to move their location
New Feature - Game Editor can now modify and delete Nebula
New Technology Type - Wonder
New Technology - Planet Command Center causes planet to move first in battle and provides bonuses
Change - Capitol can be moved by building Wonder - Empire Capitol
Change - Crises are animated on galaxy map
Change - Alliance treaty requires players to defend their allies when attacked
Change - Alliance treaty permits allies to view crafts using ally's scanners
Change - Alliance treaty extends allies craft range (uses colonies from all allies)
Change - Players can cancel Alliances and Non Aggression Pacts
Change - Computer Player AI remembers dishonor of Non Aggression or Alliance Treaty
Change - Espionage report window shows Current Research Project
Change - Influence decreases using distance squared (rather than linear)
Change - Double Click on Load Colonists means fill transport
Change - Double Click on Load Troops means fill transport
Change - Research Window now only displays research available and details of selection
Change - New Technology Window displaying Missing Technologies, Technology Tree etc...
Change - Craft Design Window has information icon for technologies
Change - Solar System Context Panel shows Trade Routes and has Delete button
Change - Sell craft adds technologies on owners missing list to the salvage list and sells the rest
Change - Game Editor can edit base relationships in Computer Player's character
8 April 2020
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - Space Anomalies
New Feature - Independent Players
New Feature - New Game Option - Dispersed Galaxy
New Feature - Technology Tree visible in Technology Window
New Feature - Options Window contains Export Technologies (for Modding the game)
New Prize - Leader
New Alarm - Create trade routes
Change - Player may have multiple Governors and assign them to solar systems
Change - Player may have multiple Generals and assign them to fleets
Change - Empire Window shows leader and transport details
Change - Transports are based on a hull design and player may research improved transports
Change - Diplomacy Window has improved layout and shows more details
Change - Bell Icon on menu to enable or disable 'Move Craft Warning'
Change - Battle Window displays weapon icons for selected craft's weapons (instead of text)
Change - Game Editor allows colonies (owned planets) to be deleted
Change - Game Editor's interface has been improved (player icons rendered on Galaxy Map)
Change - Game Editor allows crafts and fleets to be edited more liberally (experimental, use with caution)
Change - When player surrenders all attacking spies are transferred while defending spies are lost
Change - Improved tool tip information in Project Selection Window
Change - Many Technologies have been renamed. Old saved games may not work
Change - Technologies organised into ages Deep Space Age, Galactic Lore Age, Orbital Age, etc...
Change - Windows Installer creates an ini file giving the location of %APPDATA% folder used instead of the install folder for data
8 April 2019
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - New Game Window allows players to customise AI settings
New Technology - Galactic Lore (reveals entire galaxy map)
Change - End Turn button prompts player move idle craft
Change - Command Buttons rendered on Galaxy Map
Change - Game Menu in scroll pane on small screens
Change - Diplomatic History shows start of empire and diplomatic relations
Change - Planet details such as mineral richness not visible unless planet details are visible
24 January 2019
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - Research Agreements exchange missed technologies
New Feature - Trade Agreements exchange resource bonuses
New Feature - Diplomacy Windows shows diplomatic history sorted by date
New Feature - Solar System Windows allows user to auto manage planetary surplus
New Resource - Energy Spores (increase shield power by 50%)
Change - Lost Production, Research and Income on Mining Colony is displaid in Solar System Window
Change - Modified cost to build for technologies making crafts cheaper to upgrade weapons and engines but cost the same to build
Change - Computer players only surrender to unite players against an aggressor on hard games
12 December 2018
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - Improved AI (On harder levels Computer Players may surprise attack)
New Feature - Unused planetary output may get wasted. The bigger the unused output, the more is wasted.
New Feature - Can change origin of a space station loaded into a transport
New Feature - Game Editor can now create and delete craft (experimental implementation)
New Feature - Game Editor can now edit missed technologies
Change - Planet Construction technologies modified to produce similar planets
Change - Computer players now upgrade colony crafts as better techs become available
Change - AI is less aggressive, focuses more on developing the empire
Change - Worm Holes only permit Space Jump to planets within range
Change - Money Bonuses modified
Change - New Money Bonus Gems created on player's home planets in easy games
Change - Ancient attacks are larger and sooner on harder levels
12 November 2018
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - Trade Routes between solar systems
New Feature - Research Window shows recently missed technologies
New Feature - Game Editor has delete planet (experimental implementation)
New Technologies - Large Fighters and Large Fighter Bays
Change - Improved implementation of warp trails and resource trails on galaxy map
Change - Missile technologies modified to limit the maximum quanity on a planet to 8
Change - Build cost of most hulls increased
Change - Technology 'Planet Construction' moved earlier in game
Change - Technology images given transparent background
5 October 2017
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - Can enable game features individually on New Game Window (Space Kaan... )
New Feature - Can select espionage target technology for your spies
New Weapon Type Pulse - Emits a burst of energy damaging all craft in the energy arc
New Governor - Dub the strong increases factories per population
Change - Can make a diplomatic request containing any combination of treaties and assets
Change - Improved race graphics
Change - Mining stations and space stations also collect salvage (like colonies)
Change - Computer Players recruit more spies after technology stolen by espionage
Change - Balance Window improved and now has icons
Change - Maintenance costs of Crafts and Planetary Defences tweaked
15 April 2017
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - Planet Context Panel has new buttons load troops and colonists onto transports
New Feature - Transport Context Panel new buttons load troops and colonists onto transports
New Feature - Galaxy Map displays quantity of crafts in a stack
New Feature - Galaxy Map displays separate stack for player's crafts
New Feature - Galaxy Editor has Add Planet function
New Feature - Diplomacy Window shows probability of espionage, sabotage and recruit success
New Feature - Select Project Window shows salvage available and cost saving provided
New Feature - Research Project from Salvage introduced replacing auto discovery
New Feature - Computer players may follow an isolationist foreign policy
Change - Scroll through solar systems always focuses on a primary colony
Change - Technology Tree modified increasing dependencies between technologies
Change - Uncollected salavage is now collected by the planet at the end of the battle
Change - Technology names modified (Saved Games NOT backwards compatible)
Change - Fleet and Planet Defense Maintenance Costs increased
Change - Human Players start with more money on easy games
Change - New tutorial tip when coloniser arrives at solar system
Change - Settings can be changed during a tutorial
Change - Player State Updates from engine to client overhauled (some state is now updated lazily)
Change - Details panels in technology research window display all information
Change - Balance Sheet Window displays defense cost details for each planet
2 February 2017
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - Crafts with Command Center, Plague, Damage Bots or are Disabled have a decorator
New Feature - Computer players design different crafts utilising their abilities (on harder levels)
New Feature - Way Point can now be set using context menu and is displaid on the Galaxy Map
New Feature - Research and Project progress bars in Galaxy Context are clickable and have icons
Change - Improved AI (On harder levels computer players may disguise target of their attack)
Change - Improved AI (When attacked computer players may build a fleet to defend)
Change - When computer player surrenders it now gives its technologies
Change - Craft Design Window improved (each weapon has + and - button to adjust quantity)
Change - Battles at Black Holes, Worm Holes now have mine fields
Change - Fleet Maintenance Costs increased
20 November 2016
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - New stellar object Worm Hole created on harder game levels
New Technology - Social News Service that increases influence by 25%
Change - Solar System Window shows production lost due to Domination and Blockade
Change - Improved stellar object context information now shows influence per player
Change - Theory technologies cannot be discovered through espionage
Change - When Computer Player declares war it will not accept peace for a number of turns
Change - Damage Bots, Bio and Plague weapons have longer range and find alternative targets
8 Novemver 2016
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
Change - Windows EXE Installer distribution contains Java Engine inside so users do not need to install Java.
New Feature - Design of Battle Station and Space Station visible in Solar System Window
New Feature - Stars are selectable on the Galaxy Map
New Feature - Outdated technologies available for research are discovered automatically (over time)
New Feature - Craft Designs Window has Close and Update All button that updates all planets building a craft with a design of the same name
New Feature - A warning decorator is added to all crafts containing a detonator
New Module - Station Fighters places fighters on a space station
New Module - Sentinels places ring of defensive buoys around a space station
New Technology - Kamikaze generates fighters with detonators when defending a home planet
New Setup Option - Dedication which is the only way of discovering the secrets of Kamikaze
Change - Improved Battlefield AI, detonators or shield burst less likely to damage friendly craft
Change - Improved Battlefield AI, shield drains, immobilisers and mind weapons do not fire at crafts on which they will have no effect
12 October 2016
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - New Planetary Crisis 'Emergency'
Change - Planets, Crafts, Fleets and Transports are selectable with new Context Panel
Change - Galaxy Editor in all distributions
Change - Multi Player in all distributions
29 August 2015
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - Planetary Crisis
New Feature - Craft Upgrade Project
New Feature - Auto select research projects
New Module - Core habitat module is added to all mining colonies
Change - Galaxy window buttons and craft list panel are context sensitive
Change - Improved Battlefield AI, Computer players avoid their own mines
Change - Upgrade Craft Engines removed
Change - Now uses Launch4j as the Windows Executable wrapper that supports 64 bit Java
1 April 2015
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - Multi Player
New Feature - Research progress bar on galaxy map
New Feature - Project progress bar on galaxy map for each planet
Change - Planet's weapons, shields, scanners and battle stations upgrade automatically
Change - Select Project Window reconfigured to speed up project selection
Change - Solar System Window reconfigured to improve access to planet defence information
Change - Delete a craft action is a sale adding money to your treasury
Change - Hull Galatian60 replaced with Galation45 which is much faster
Change - Hull Centurion70 modified to increase its speed
Change - Hull Mavrik170 and Legion190 removed
3 December 2014
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - Rename fleets
New Hull - Legion 500
Change - New game window has selectable opponents, opponent's level and colour
Change - Solar system window has improved user interface on defence and other tabs
Change - Diplomacy window no longer displays list of 'givable' technologies
Change - Crafts repair much faster at home with no enemy presence
Change - Technology droid mine and missiles have a longer range
Change - Shield technologies have lower discharge rates (last longer in battle)
Change - Invading a planet with a mining colony transfers ownership of the mine
Change - Improve usability of Join Fleet Command (Fleet can join another fleet etc)
Change - Communication layer between GUI and Engine re-written (big change but internal)
3 March 2013
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - Attack Warnings on the galaxy map
New Feature - Speed Control in battle window
New Feature - Continue game button on startup window
New Weapon - Anti Missile Beam
New Window - Edit Settings
Change - Retarget Beam always re-targets missile at enemy craft
Change - Craft Damage visible on Galaxy Map and Craft Details Windows
Change - Craft Built Quality visible on Craft Design Window
Change - Battle window displays hour glass cursor when busy
Change - Battle window displays player craft's cloak status during enemy move
Change - End Game window displays a game score
27 January 2013
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - Icon for Planet's Project on the Galaxy Map
Change - Icons added to all text lists
Change - Improved weapon graphics on battlefield
Change - Ancient wrath fleets are disabled on easy level and weaker on normal levels
Change - Planets can only build Missile and Space Distortion
Change - Weapons Retarget Beam, Girator and Prio Virus have been modified
Change - Weapon Girator cannot miss (making it a good choice against a cloaked enemy)
Change - Weapon Plague spreads on battle field and has a graphical animation
Change - Salvage Beam Statistics Modified
Change - Missiles and Droid Mines intercept craft instead of striking at end of move
23 December 2013
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
Major Change - Tactical Battle Navigation Interface Improved (instruct crafts easier)
Major Change - Improved Movement on the Battle Field (craft movement AI improved)
New Feature - Weapon Type Teleport
New Feature - Weapon Type Sleep
New Feature - Craft Design Tutorial
Change - Improved Graphics for Weapon Space Distortion
Change - More Express Keys (Key '?' displays available express keys)
Change - Space Kaan disabled on easy levels
Change - Salvage Beam Statistics Modified
Change - Fleet Window displays fleet item instead of every craft inside the fleet
5 November 2013
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - Black Holes
New Feature - Fleet Waypoints
Change - Player staring positions tend to be more dispersed around the galaxy
Change - Space Stations are automatically upgraded with modules
Change - Planetary project 'Build Module' has been removed
Change - Mining colonies accumulate influence just like normal colonies
Change - Empire Window displays bonuses from resources as well as setup bonuses
21 October 2013
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
New Feature - Nebula
New Feature - Nebula Kaan (a wild space creature)
New Images - The galaxy background image plus others have changed
27 September 2013
10 September 2013
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
License Agreement can be found in the install folder.
New Features:
Flanking in Tactical Battle System
New technology 'Tactical Command Center'.
Missiles have a longer range.
Only craft retreating in the last turn of battle are routed.
Setup Options modified to make races more different.
10 September 2013
Microsoft Windows Install File
Linux and Mac
Contact Me
Bug Fix - Text formatting in technology description.
Changed game icon.
12 August 2013